Christmas Concert Edition

The Truant Chorister begs your forgiveness, as she has been terribly delinquent in chronicling this season's adventures. In the spirit of all things Choral and Christmas, please enjoy this... Unofficial, Unauthorized, Underground Preview of the #MusicSunday Christmas Concert 1. Without looking at the bulletin... count the number of instruments used in the performance. It should be well into double-digits, but the correct answer will depend on whether you decide to count 'bass guitar' as a 'guitar' and 'English horn' as an 'oboe'. 2. As an old pastor of mine used to announce in the middle of the most contemplative part of Christmas Eve Candlelight service: "now watch out folks, we're working with Live Fire, here!". Oil lamps and youth. "What could go wrong??" Just in case, there are a number of deputized fire marshals. Seriously. See if you can spot them. 3. Make sure to listen for the Altos' Very Difficul...