Christmas Concert Edition

The Truant Chorister begs your forgiveness, as she has been terribly delinquent in chronicling this season's adventures.

In the spirit of all things Choral and Christmas, please enjoy this...

Unofficial, Unauthorized, Underground Preview of the #MusicSunday Christmas Concert

1. Without looking at the bulletin... count the number of instruments used in the performance. It should be well into double-digits, but the correct answer will depend on whether you decide to count 'bass guitar' as a 'guitar' and 'English horn' as an 'oboe'.

2. As an old pastor of mine used to announce in the middle of the most contemplative part of Christmas Eve Candlelight service: "now watch out folks, we're working with Live Fire, here!". Oil lamps and youth. "What could go wrong??" Just in case, there are a number of deputized fire marshals. Seriously. See if you can spot them.

3. Make sure to listen for the Altos' Very Difficult and Much Rehearsed 'Alleluia' section of 'Sleepers, Wake'. No joke, it has been on permanent repeat for the past few weeks! And the Tenors in 'Zion Hears'... The Basses and Sopranos are also singing. I have no idea what their most challenging moments are... you are encouraged to find one and ask!

4. There are a number of Bible passages in the program that tie our musical themes (waiting and light, etc) to Christmas. Alas I did not see Isaiah 60:1 printed there, which is what I immediately thought of when they announced the oil lamps! You are welcome to pencil it in with the Old Testament Readings.

5. Do you have a good Wassail recipe? Please share.

6. There is a section of the service in which Michael will talk about some of the music, and then the choir and musicians will play a small, related, excerpt as an example. This was not so much as 'rehearsed' as.. mentioned... For fun, count the number of confused faces while this is going on.

7. The choir tackled 3 incredibly challenging pieces this year, and the last of them will be included in #MusicSunday. I am so proud of us for accomplishing these three, and I feel like we have really grown as a choir and as musicians! This one and last week's 'Serenity (O Magnum Mysterium)' are both by Norwegian composer Gjeilo.

'Northern Lights' might be the most different of all the Christmas music this year, but I feel like we're solidly on-trend, piggybacking on the popular: Hygge movement, which is an appreciation of all things cozy and warm, and the Norwegian phenomenon of SlowTV.

The music is pretty ethereal... like catching a glimpse of the Northern Lights while gathering more firewood and hurrying back inside for warm coffee and hand-knit blankets.

Listening to it at home has been a great accompaniment to the Advent practices of reflection and attentiveness.

8. Don't miss out on the Postlude! But be aware that it might never end. I mean, you think that it's about to end, but then it doesn't.. and that happens again another couple times. Your Sunday School class will forgive you for being late. See Susan for a hall pass if you need it.

9. Choir members and musicians are reminded to 'bring anything you need to make it til noon'. With an 8:00 call-time, it's going to be a marathon! (In context, this instruction meant food, snacks, and other sustenance. 'Wassail' at your own discretion.)

10. There is a lot packed into this service. I love that we will sing music that is hundreds of years old, and music that was written just a few years ago; played on the harpsichord, and on an electric guitar. Worship Team, we are so glad you are joining us over in building A. (I think it's building A, I can never keep that straight.) I love these chances we get to bring everyone together, and I hope the congregation enjoys this service as much as we are going to!

Finally, a big mug of Wassail and Thanks goes to Michael and Susan, as well as our fearless section leaders, and the many Choir Elves who make sure music and bulletins appear like magic when they are needed!


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