A Late Edition Choir Chronicle

This week's Choir Chronicle is not only a bit late, but also short and sweet. Blame the weather. I hope yal are having a beautiful Saturday!

Quote of the week: "We're not quite all getting this, but we have a great attitude!"

Runner up: "Is that you growling, Nancy?"

Vocab words:

Tenuto: "a note or chord held for its full time value or slightly more."

Trattenuto: "held back with a sustained quality, similar to ritardando"

Compound Melody: "more than one melody or line by a single voice through skipping back and forth between the notes of the two melodies." Sometimes known as Melodic Fission, which is my new favorite musical term.

....and two others that are unfortunately lost to my incredibly poor handwriting and memory. Procrastination, people! There are consequences!

This week we sing

M Dodds favorite: Praise, My Soul, The King of Heaven

Choir favorite: I Surrender All

"Holy Holy Holy", which I always thought of as a Baptist hymn, but turns out was by an English bishop. (Wikipedia For The Win.)

and God of Still Waiting

(Plus! bell choir(s)!)

Seeya Sunday and Ash Wednesday for the start of Marathon Rehearsals. Pace yourselves, people, Lent is not a sprint!


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