From The Choir Loft: Spring Break Edition

It was a dark and stormy night which brought the intrepid singers to the balmy and sauna-like Ash Wednesday 'slash' double secret rehearsal night.

It was the best of rooms, it was the worst of rooms, it was a lovely service, and joyful evening spent singing, it was quite toasty and overly warm...


- "Sopranos, you need to take your own moral responsibility for that note"

- "Sopranos, I completely repent of the backhanded compliment"

- A required clarification on 'favorite students' vs 'favorite choristers'.

- And at one point, my notes say that the tenors were called "well behaved". It was certainly an odd night indeed.

- The valiant UNCSA students arrived despite having to face the "hardest, most worst-ever" midterm the next day.

- We also celebrated the birthday of one 'Laura McN', notable for being a leap-year birthday and bringing up some sort of reference to the Pirates of Penzance. Angela Lansbury will explain.

News and Notes:

- I have not forgotten about the t-shirt designs! there are a couple more candidates to load up and voting will commence this week if possible! (As with the 'Truant Chorister', this is an unsanctioned, unauthorized project, but I haven't received a cease and desist letter yet ;)

- There are so many new choir members this season, I would love to get to know y'all a little better! So I had an idea but will need a little help:

Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to find one or more choir members, track them down and interview them between now and Easter! 

I will post the interviews as they come in!

The rules:

- Between 3 and 5 questions of your choosing
- Does not have to be someone you know (or someone you don't know)
- If you have not been interviewed yet and would like to be, please ask!
- Photos/video of interviewers and interviewees are encouraged, but not required.
- Extra points to the person who interviews the most people! (I feel like a prize would be warranted, but I make no promises.)
- Please submit to my email address listed on the choir roster... (this is Jen, by the way. Team Alto.)

Example questions:

Name: Jen

Basketball Team: Kentucky

Pets: One cat. Many backyard bird visitors.

Most notable musical achievement: I once (accidentally) sabotaged an entire youth orchestra string section with double-sided tape.

Outside of choir: Handbells and women's Bible study at First Pres.

This Sunday:

We are going to be flying without a net, y'all! The UNCSA kids are on spring break and apparently early service is not on the agenda. Good grief. Kids these days. So it's all hands on deck! Be there or be... etc.


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